Sunday, March 4, 2007

The Zahir...

An excerpt from ‘The Zahir’ …by Paulo Coelho..

While I was fighting, I heard other people speak in the name of freedom, and the more they defended this unique right, the more enslaved they seem to be to their parent’s wishes, to a marriage in which they had promised to stay with the other person ‘for the rest of their lives’, to the bathroom scales, to their diet, to half-finished projects, to lovers to whom they were incapable of saying “no” or “It’s over”, to weekends when they were obliged to have lunch with people they did not even like. Slaves to luxury, to the appearance of luxury, to the appearance of appearance of luxury. Slaves to a life they had not chosen, but which they had to live because someone had managed to convince them that it was all for the best. And so their identical days and nights passed, days and nights in which adventure was just a word in the book or an image on the television that was always on, and whenever a door opened, they would say:

“I’m not interested. I’m not in the mood.”

How could they possibly know if they were in the mood or not if they had never tried? But there was no point in asking; the truth was they were afraid of any change that would upset the world they had grown used to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the work of Paulo Coelho!!!! Do you know that he is launching his new book, The Witch of Portobello, through his blog
I found it out because i'm inscibed to his newsletter
it's simply wonderful!
have a nice day!